Buy Brazil or Bye-Bye Brazil?

The economy of Brazil has suffered sharply in the past few years due to the decline in the commodity markets and the slowdown in China. The Brazilian economy retracted this year and is predicted to have negative GDP growth in 2016 also.

From a news article published back in October:

SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – The federal government of Brazil delivered yet another blow to the country’s ailing economy on Thursday by announcing that it now estimates a retraction in the country’s GDP for 2016 of one percent. Earlier in the week the government had revised its retraction of the GDP of 2015 from 2.44 percent to 2.8 percent.

Financial analysts, however, are predicting a more negative scenario. For 2015 market analysts forecast a retraction of the GDP growth by three percent and for next year a retraction of 1.43 percent.

If the numbers are confirmed for both this year and next year, this will be the first time the Brazilian GDP has ever registered a retraction for two consecutive years since the IBGE (Brazilian Statistical Bureau) began making the forecasts in 1948.

Source: Brazil’s Government Admits Negative GDP Growth for 2016 , The Rio Times, Oct 30, 2015

The Journal had an interesting take on the Brazilian economic situation in an August article. From that piece:

China has caused turmoil in many places, but none more so than in this prime supplier of commodities to a country whose once-voracious appetite for them has dimmed. Brazil’s pain from China’s slowdown isn’t largely confined to the financial markets, as in some countries, but goes to the heart of its real economy.

“We went from Brazil mania to Brazil nausea,” said Marcos Troyjo, a former Brazilian diplomat who leads a Columbia University center studying emerging markets. “We are looking at a lost decade, where growth stagnates, inflation is high, and, most sadly, a decade where you’ve learned nothing.”

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For Brazilians who believed, as their leaders were saying, that the country would climb to first-world status during the resources boom, the downturn has come as a profound disappointment. Big antigovernment demonstrations are now regular events: Protesters decry the corruption that a sweeping investigation is uncovering, and many call for President Dilma Rousseff’s ouster. As inflation nears double-digits and as unemployment and interest rates rise, middle-class households are starting to miss car payments and the poor are eating less meat.

“Beef is the first to go!” said Janeide Ferreira, a 54-year-old cleaner in Rio de Janeiro who must take a sweaty two-hour bus ride to work each day from the slum where she lives. “Things were so much better five years ago.”

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Brazil is in danger of losing its investment-grade rating, to judge by the negative views of credit-rating firms, potentially sparking a disorderly currency decline.

Some wealthy Brazilians aren’t sticking around to find out. Rich Brazilians are snapping up homes from South Florida to Scarsdale, N.Y., often with the long-term plan of raising families there. A cover story on the phenomenon in the weekly magazine Istoé this month is titled: “Bye-Bye Brazil.”

Source: How Brazil’s China-Driven Commodities Boom Went Bust, The Wall Street Journal, Aug 27, 2015

As the economy went South, the equity market also declined accordingly. The Bovespa is down just over 10% year-to-date. This is in sharp contrast to the Mexican market which is basically flat. This is because the Mexican economy is more manufacturing-driven and not commodity-based like Brazil’s. In addition, Mexico is highly dependent on the US economy. As the US economy is growing Mexico is befitting from it. Brazil on the other hand is dependent on China importing its commodities and in general the collapse of commodity prices has hit Brazil hard.

From an investment perspective, is it time to buy Brazilian stocks or simply say Bye-Bye Brazil?

The answer to the above question is difficult to predict at this time. Unless the commodity markets improve, Brazilian equities may find it difficult to attract investors’s attention. Domestic-oriented industries such as banking are also not performing well as consumers cut back on spending.

The following table shows the year-to-date percentage changes of exchange-traded Brazil ADRs:

S.No.CompanyTickerPrice as of Dec 2, 2015Year-To-Date Change (%) as of Dec 2, 2015Industry
1Fibria CeluloseFBR$13.168.49%Forestry & Paper
3BrasilAgroLND$2.71-8.75%Real Estate Inv&Serv
5EmbraerERJ$31.23-15.27%Aerospace & Defense
8Banco Santander BrasilBSBR$3.90-22.31%Banks
9AMBEV S.AABEV$4.82-22.51%Beverages
10Petroleo Brasileiro-PetrobrasPBR$4.95-32.19%Oil & Gas Producers
11Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras-EletrobrasEBR$1.45-32.24%Electricity
12BRF S.A.BRFS$14.62-37.39%Food Producers
13CPFL EnergiaCPL$8.09-38.48%Electricity
14Companhia Siderurgica Nacional-CSNSID$1.27-38.94%Indust.Metals&Mining
15Itau UnibancoITUB$7.19-39.22%Banks
16Banco BradescoBBDO$6.27-41.78%Banks
17Telefonica BrasilVIV$9.60-45.70%Fixed Line Telecom.
18Comp. Paranaense de Energia-COPELELP$7.12-45.94%Electricity
19Banco BradescoBBD$5.51-50.54%Banks
20TIM ParticipacoesTSU$9.72-56.24%Mobile Telecom.
22Vale VALE$3.36-58.92%Indust.Metals&Mining
23Companhia Brasileira de Distribuicao-CBDCBD$12.56-65.90%Food &Drug Retailers
24Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais-CEMIGCIG$1.66-66.60%Electricity
25OiOIBR$0.71-78.81%Fixed Line Telecom.
26GolGOL$0.86-85.04%Travel & Leisure

Source: BNY Mellon

Most of the stocks listed above have declined some with losses of over 50%.

In my opinion, it is too early to state that it is time to buy Brazil. Political risk is still too high and further declines in commodity markets can hurt Brazil even more. So new investments in  Brazilian equities can be avoided at this time.

Disclosure: Long ITUB, BBD and PBR

Three Mistakes To Avoid In Emerging Markets Investing

Investing in emerging equities is more risky than investing in equities of the developed world for a variety of reasons. As the name itself implies, emerging markets are markets that are still in the development stage. Hence unlike the developed countries, they may lack many of the characteristics required for a stable and well functioning equity market. For example, liquidity can be an issue in some emerging markets while in others onerous government regulations on ownership may be am issue. So from an investment standpoint, emerging markets have unique risks that global investors should be aware of and make investment decisions accordingly.

The following is a discussion of five mistakes that investors can avoid when investing in emerging market stocks:

1.Trying to pick and invest in the next big thing

Some investors scour the world of emerging market equities to identify the next big thing that can turn into a multi-bagger.  Such examples include trying to pick the Netflix(NFLX) of India or the Amazon(AMZN) of China. Investors hope that by getting into the ground floor of copycats of such high-fliers they can reap huge gains. Until a few months ago Eros International Plc (EROS) was widely touted as the Netflix of India since the country has a huge population and internet usage is exploding. While this story sounds good, reality is much more complex. From over $36 in July this year the stock has plunged and is trading at just over $9 now. Similarly former IPO hot stock Alibaba Group Holding Limited (BABA) of China was nearly cut in half from a peak of $111 to $57. It has recovered recently to trade at around $84.

2.Not paying attention to the macroeconomic picture

When investing in any market it is important to pay attention to the economy. With emerging markets keeping an eye on the domestic and regional economies is even more important as they equities and the economies tend to be volatile.

A few years ago some investors got attracted to a few airline stocks in Latin America as the story line here was that booming economies will lead to increased air travel and more people would prefer the comfort of air travel over traveling by bus. However as the regional economies went into recessions due to the decline in commodity markets, the airline stocks crashed. For instance, Panama-based Copa Holdings SA (CPA) plunged from over $121 to as low as $39 in a short period. This is because though Panama itself was doing ok, the countries where Copa flew into and out of were suffering from recessions. As a result the airline was adversely impacted. Colombia-based Avianca Holdings S.A. (AVH) is another example.

3. Investing based on a widely popular theme or acronym-based investing

Investing in developing countries based on some newly created theme or acronym will lead to disaster. Many years ago Goldman Sachs created the BRIC. Though Brazil, Russia, India and China had nothing in common other than they were developing countries this false grouping with a catchy name caught the media’s attention and governments to international institutions were mesmerized by it. Scores of funds were launched based on the BRIC concept. With all the hype about the BRICs investors also went for the ride. While the party lasted for a while it ended swiftly when brick by brick one BRIC economy after another fell.  Other acronyms that have been hyped include MINTS, BRICS (with South Africa included), The Next Eleven (or N-11) which includes great investment destinations such as Pakistan, Iran, etc. So the key point to remember is to not get carried away by all the flashy and cool acronyms that gets floated around.

Disclosure: No Positions

Schroders: Valuations Of European Stocks Are Compelling Now

Schroders, a UK-based Asset Manager, is bullish on European stocks for 2016. In the Outlook 2016: European Equities report published on November 24th, Rory Bateman, Head of UK & European Equities noted:

At the time of writing, the MSCI Europe equity index has delivered a total return of around 10% this year and we believe investors should see further gains in 2016 given the continued earnings recovery in Europe.

After years of under-performing other developed countries, European economies are well positioned to catch up. Already this year, major European market indices are ahead of the benchmark US indices.

From the report:

Scope for profit margins to improve

Corporate profit margins within the eurozone particularly remain at depressed levels relative to the US.

This gap has been significant since the global financial crisis and a narrowing of the disparity would support European shares.

At the same time, valuations are compelling versus historical levels and most other equity markets.

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Stacked containers in a shipping terminal


Source: Outlook 2016: European Equities, Schroders

Based on the P/E ratio shown above, US stocks are expensive now and European stocks are cheaper on a relative basis and historical basis.

So investors looking to gain exposure to Europe can consider adding equities in the cyclical and defensive sectors. Cyclical stocks tend to perform well at the start of the economic recovery phase and growth stocks are good to hold when recovery is well underway. Cyclicals by definition grow and fall with the state of the economy.

Five European stocks are listed below with their current dividend yields for further research:

1.Company: Danone SA (DANOY)
Current Dividend Yield: 2.45%
Sector:Food Products
Country: France

2.Company: BASF SE (BASFY)
Current Dividend Yield: 3.77%
Country: Germany

3.Company: adidas AG (ADDYY)
Current Dividend Yield: 1.78%
Sector:Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods
Country: Germany

4.Company: Safran (SAFRY)
Current Dividend Yield: 1.91%
Sector:Aerospace and Defense
Country: France

5.Company: Edp Energias De Portugal SA (EDPFY)
Current Dividend Yield: 6.17%
Sector:  Electric Utilities
Country: Portugal

Note: Dividend yields noted above are as of Nov 30, 2015. Data is known to be accurate from sources used.Please use your own due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Disclosure: No Positions