The Fortune Global 500 of Year 2016

Fortune magazine recently published its famous Fortune Global 500 list. The top 10 companies from the ranking for 2016 are shown in the table below:

RankCompanyCountryRevenue in USD
1WalmartUnited States$482.1 billion
2State GridChina$329.6 billion
3China National PetroleumChina$299.3 billion
4SinopecChina$294.3 billion
5Royal Dutch ShellNetherlands & UK$272.2 billion
6Exxon MobilUnited States$246.2 billion
7VolkswagenGermany$236.6 billion
8Toyota MotorJapan$236.59 billion
9AppleUnited States$233.7 billion
10BPUnited Kingdom$225.98 billion

Source: Fortune

US retailer Walmart(WMT) is the world’s largest firm with a revenue of over $482 billion. The second spot went to Chinese utility State Grid. The importance of oil globally is shown by the presence of five petroleum firms in the top 10 above.

124 of the 500 firms are US-based firms.

The complete list of the Fortune Global 500 firms for 2016 can be found here.


Disclosure: No Positions

Knowledge is Power: Globalization, Facts about Kissing, Oil Stocks Edition

Digging up Mammoth Tusks in Sibera

Digging up Mammoth Tusks in Sibera

Photo Credit: Production of mammoth tusk in Siberia, English Russia

How Big is US Defense Spending ?

The U.S. easily beats other countries in defense spending. In fact, its defense expenditures accounted for 37% of the world’s military budgets in 2015.  Last year the total US spending on defense reached $596 billion. This figure is more than the defense spending by the next seven countries combined according to Peterson Foundation.

Click to enlarge

US Defense Spending vs Major Countries

Source: Peter G.Peterson Foundation

Military Expenditures in US Discretionary Spending:

Military spending alone is projected to account for more than half (54%) of all US discretionary spending in fiscal year 2015.

US Defense Spending in Federal Budget

Source: National Priorities Project

Some thoughts on US defense spending:

US allies benefit from the high spending on defense by the US since they are protected by the US military and they are able to divert their resources to other expenses such as social spending.

High spending on military keeps a large part of the economy active and booming at all times. For instance, defense contractors employ thousands of workers producing all kinds of weapons for the military.

Though it may unnecessary to devote more than half the nation’s budget to defense, there are many benefits. For example, military spending many wonderful innovations such as the internet and not the over-hype up venture capital industry.

For millions of middle to poor Americans the US military is the only outlet for getting a job, education and career for a variety of reasons. Without high defense budgets most of these folks would join the ranks of the unemployed. So in a sense the military can be considered as “the employer of last resort”.

Since the world is constantly changing and threats are everywhere, having a powerful world-class military ensures enemies are kept at bay. During peace times, military is a great tool to offer humanitarian assistance to people in need. From Hurricane Katrina to Haiti Earthquakes and thousands of other natural and human disasters, US military personnel provided immeasurable aid and service to victims.

Population: U.S. vs. Russia

The current U.S. Population is over 324 million according to the  US Census Bureau. The population has grown consistently over the years since 1920. In fact, the US population has soared from about 110 million or so in 1920 to 324 million today. Though the land area remains the same more than doubling of the population has put strains on resources and services. Both legal and illegal immigration has contributed to the population growth.

Click to enlarge

US Population Growth by year:


Source: Trading Economics

Compared to the US, the population of Russia is only 143 million. Though Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of land size, the population is less than half of the U.S. The population growth rate in Russia has been negative since 2000. In 1950, the population of Russia was about just over 100 million. Since then it has not not even increased by 50%. The U.S. population in 1950 was about 150 million. From that year the population has soared by more than 100% to 324 million now. So the rate of population growth in the US is much higher than Russia.

Russian Population Growth by year:


Source: Wikipedia

Sources of Electricity Generation: Germany vs. USA

Germany produces more than one-third of its electricity from renewable energy sources. This is a huge rise from year 2000 when just 6% of electricity came from renewable sources.

Click to enlarge

Germany Electricity Sources

Source: Sea change to Germany’s energy transition as it throws renewables to the open market, DW

The Energiewende program that the country implemented a few years ago dramatically reduced Germany’s dependence on non-renewable sources for electricity production.

Compared to Germany, renewable sources account for only 10% of the total the US power generation.

Click to enlarge

US Electricity Sources

Source: What are the major sources and users of energy in the United States?, EIA

The US has a long way to go before catching up with Germany in terms of generating a high percentage of power produced from environmentally friendly sources such as wind, water, etc. For example, many German households sell excess electricity they produce from solar power to utilities and get paid for it.