This year is the International Year of the Periodic Table. So far 118 elements have been discovered. The following infographic shows all the elements and the countries where they were discovered.
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Source: Compound Interest
This year is the International Year of the Periodic Table. So far 118 elements have been discovered. The following infographic shows all the elements and the countries where they were discovered.
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Source: Compound Interest
Big dollar numbers are easier to understand when represented visually by comparing to other items. The following infographics shows various trillion $ metrics.
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Source: Information is Beautiful
Vodka is a Russian invention and is the most popular drink in that country. There are also other types of Vodka such as Absolut Vodka which is from Sweden.
The following infographic shows the chemistry of Vodka:
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Source: The Chemistry of Vodka – Structure, Additives, and Impurities, Compound Interest.
Below is a brief excerpt from the piece:
You could be forgiven for thinking there’s not a great deal that’s interesting about the chemistry of vodka. After all, isn’t it essentially just a mix of two compounds, ethanol and water? Though this is pretty much the case, there’s more to vodka than you might expect. Here we take a look at some of its chemical secrets.
First, let’s briefly summarise how vodka is made. The method is similar to that for most fermented spirits. Though the stereotypical image most people have of vodka is that it’s made from potatoes, in fact it’s much more common for it to be made from cereal grains, including corn, rye, and wheat. Fermentation of these grains using yeast produces alcohol (ethanol), but only up to around 16% – too low for vodka.
Further steps are necessary to arrive at the finished product, the key step being distillation. Distillation involves the boiling of the mixture; because ethanol boils at 78˚C, it boils off before the water does and it can therefore be concentrated. Unfortunately, a lot of the other compounds produced during fermentation boil off at lower temperatures than water too, so precise control of the distillation process is necessary to ensure that these aren’t present in the final product.
Often, it’s distilled more than once to ensure a minimal amount of impurities remain. To be even more certain of this, many manufacturers filter the vodka through activated charcoal, which helps pull out more of any impurities still present. More traditional manufacturers rely on precise control of the distillation process, however. After all of this the vodka’s alcohol percentage is around 96%. The final step in the process is diluting it with water to bring the percentage down to around 40%.
Global equity markets were soaring high thru April this year only to stumped by the US-China trade dispute. Volatility has returned to the markets with some investors heading for the exit while others remain bullish hoping the current dispute can be resolved quickly. Despite the recent fall, the S&P 500 is up by about 13%. Overseas the DAX and CAC-40 have increased by around by double digit percentage points as well. The FTSE 100 is up by about 8% with the Brexit chaos still haunting the bumbling British government. Investors may want to selectively take advantage of opportunities as markets wobble.
With that said, below are some interesting reads for the weekend:
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