The Complete List of Finnish ADRs trading on the US Exchanges as of Feb 14, 2025 are listed below:
S.No. Company Name Ticker Exchange Industry
1 Nokia NOK NYSE Tech.Hardware&Equip.
The Complete List of Finnish ADRs trading on the US OTC as of Feb 14, 2025 Markets are listed below:
S.No. | Company Name | Ticker | Industry |
1 | Cargotec | CYJBY | IndustrialTransport. |
2 | Elisa | ELMUY | Fixed Line Telecom. |
3 | Fortum | FOJCY | Electricity |
4 | Huhtamaki oyj | HMKIY | General Industrials |
5 | Kesko OYJ | KKOYY | General Retailers |
6 | Kone | KNYJY | IndustrialTransport. |
7 | Konecranes | KNCRY | IndustrialTransport. |
8 | Metso OYJ | OUKPY | Indust.Metals&Mining |
9 | Neste Oyj | NTOIY | OilEquip.,Serv.&Dist |
10 | Nokian Tyres | NKRKY | Automobiles & Parts |
11 | Olvi Oyj | OLVOY | Beverages |
12 | Orion | ORINY | Pharma. & Biotech. |
13 | Outokumpu | OUTKY | Indust.Metals&Mining |
14 | Sampo | SAXPY | Nonlife Insurance |
15 | Sanomawsoy | SWYBY | Media |
16 | Stora Enso | SEOAY | Forestry & Paper |
17 | TietoEVRY | TCYBY | Software&ComputerSvc |
18 | UPM-Kymmene | UPMMY | Forestry & Paper |
19 | Valmet OYJ | VLMTY | Indust.Metals&Mining |
20 | Wartsila | WRTBY | Support Services |
21 | YIT | YITYY | Construct.&Materials |
Download Finnish ADR Lists in Excel format:
- The Complete List of Finnish ADRs trading on the US Exchanges
- The Complete List of Finnish ADRs trading on the US OTC Markets
The List of Listed Finnish Companies on the Nasdaq OMX Helsinki (TFS)
Country ETF:
- iShares MSCI Finland Capped Fund (EFNL)
For Finland Benchmark Index go to: OMX Helsinki-25 Index
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- The Complete List of French ADRs
- The Complete List of Spanish ADRs
- The Complete List of British ADRs
Related Links:
- NASDAQ OMX Nordic (Exchange site)
- OMX Helsinki 25 (Wikipedia)
- Relatime OMX Helsinki Index Quote (Bloomberg)
- The Complete List of Listed Companies in Finland