The World’s Top 100 Mining Stocks

Some of the world’s top mining company stocks such as Vale(VALE), BHP Billiton(BBL, BHP), etc. have handsomely rewarded long-term investors. After falling heavily in 2008, mining stocks rallied hard last year. For example, BHP Billiton’s London stock price more than doubled last year. Lesser known companies like Teck have seen their share price increase by …

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The Top 10 Companies on the NYSE based on Market Cap

Foreign companies are increasingly gaining more attention from US investors. A quick review of the largest companies trading in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) shows that 8 of the top 10 companies based on market cap are foreign companies. The Top 10 Companies on the NYSE by Market Cap: 1.ExxoMobil Corp(XOM) Market Cap: $329B …

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Five Companies with the Largest Market Cap Gains in this Decade

The Numbers section of the latest edition of BusinessWeek magazine lists the five global companies with the largest market cap gains in the past decade. Of the five companies listed, two each are energy and mining companies and Apple is a hi-tech powerhouse. The growing prominence of emerging market companies is shown by the presence …

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MoneySense Magazine’s Top 500 U.S. Stocks for 2010

The MoneySense magazine of Canada recently published its Top 500 All-Stars U.S. Stocks for next year. Last year this list gained 24% not including dividends compared to the S&P 500 which grew by only 4.2% in the same period. The 500 stocks are graded for both Value and Growth. Listed below are few of the …

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The World’s Top 100 Non-Financial Trans-National Companies Ranked by Foreign Assets

Each year the  United Nations Conference on Trade And Development (UNCTAD) publishes the World Investment Report. The 2009 report is a formidable document with over 300 pages and was published in July. Growth in the developed markets is projected to be lackluster next year. But emerging markets are expected to continue to have higher growth …

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