Bloomberg BusinessWeek: The 50 Most Innovative Companies 2010

The 50 Most Innovative Companies in the world for 2010 has been published by Bloomberg BusinessWeek in the latest issue. This year’s list is dominated by companies from Europe and Asia. Showing the rise of Asian emerging markets, for the first time  15 of the Top 50 are Asian and Greater China has as many …

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The World’s Five Biggest Alcohol Companies by Market Cap

The “Numbers” column in the latest edition of Bloomberg BusinessWeek discusses the impact of recession on the alcohol business. Sales of alcholic beverages are proving to be recession-proof. Sales of expensive wines,beers and spirits have been flat to down compared to one year earlier. However sales of beer in the cheapest category have been up …

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Top 25 Foreign Companies by Market Cap

The largest 25 foreign companies by market capitalization(excluding Canadian Stocks) traded in the New York Stock Exchange are listed below: [TABLE=420] A few observations: Seven of the top 10 companies are in mining or energy sector Among the foreign banks, Brazil’s Itau Unibanco(ITUB), Spain’s Banco Santander (STD), UK’s HSBC(HBC) and Australia’s Westpac (WBK) are in …

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Top 25 NASDAQ Stocks Ranked by Market Cap

Last week Jason Zweig discussed about the popping of the tech bubble ten years ago in the article When Bubble Burst: Companies Won, Investors Lost. From the article: “The Internet did change business forever, just as investors had predicted. And a handful of technology companies did strike it rich. But by far the biggest beneficiaries …

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