The Top 100 Non-Financial Firms Ranked By Foreign Assets 2013

The ING Erasmus Top 100 was published by the Rotterdam School of Management in Dec, 2013. The list comprised of the top 100 non-financial firms ranked by foreign assets. The top 20 firms from the ranking is shown in the table below: Source: ING Erasmus 100,Rotterdam School of Management, ING Economics Department, December 2013 The U.S. had the most number …

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The Top 10 Global Companies Based on Foreign Sales

Some of the multinational firms derive a very high percentage of sales relative to total sales from countries outside of their home countries.Ten such firms from the ING Erasmus 100 Top International Firms published in Dec 2013 are listed below: Source: ING Erasmus 100,Rotterdam School of Management, ING Economics Department, December 2013 Pharmaceutical companies dominate the list with Swiss-based Roche …

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The Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies By Size Of Pipeline

One of the important metrics to evaluate pharmaceutical companies is the total number of drugs that are in the pipeline. Companies not only depend on new drugs for future revenue growth but also look to new drugs in development to replace revenues lost when patents expire on their existing drugs. The Top 10 pharmaceutical companies based …

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The Top 100 Latin American Multinational Companies 2014

The Top 100 Latin American Multinational Companies for 2014 were published by America Economia earlier this year. The ranking was based on the “MultiLatino Index” score (not shown below). All these firms have had at least US $250 million in annual sales 2013 and operates in more than one country in the region. Source: América Economía Download: The …

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Which Brazilian Companies Are Multinationals?

The Top 100 Latin American Multinational firms were published by  América Economía earlier this year. The list was created based on two criteria: their annual sales must exceed US $250 million in 2013 and they must operate in more than one country in the region. The ranking was done using a calculated field called the “MultiLatino …

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