Bloomberg: The World’s Strongest Banks 2015

Bloomberg Markets recently published the list of the world’s strongest banks for 2015. Hong Kong-based Hang Seng Bank(HSNGY) topped the ranking for the second year in a row. The banks were selected based on many factors. From the article: To identify the world’s strongest banks, we used the Equity Screening (EQS) function on the Bloomberg Professional service …

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The Top 10 World Banks Based On Tier1 Capital 2015

The highly respected The Banker magazine published the annual ranking of the Top 1000 Global Banks last month. The chart below shows the The Top 10 World Banks Based On Tier1 Capital: Click to enlarge Source: The Banker China’s biggest banks ICBC (IDCBY), China Construction Bank(CICHY), Agricultural Bank of China(ACGBY) and Bank of China (BACHY) take four …

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Global Finance: The World’s Best Developed Markets Banks 2015

Global Finance magazine published its annual ranking of the world’s best banks in March. The following is a list of the The World’s Best Developed Markets Banks for 2015. These banks were selected based on many factors including objective and subjective factors. From the press release: The winners of this year’s awards are those banks that …

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