The 10 Biggest Banks in Asia 2010

The Global Finance magazine recently published the list of biggest banks in emerging markets.  The table below lists the ten biggest banks in Asia for 2010. These banks were ranked based on their total assets as of September, 2010. The data was provided by [TABLE=858] Note: *Asset figures provided by bank Chinese banks dominate …

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The Banker Awards 2010: The Best Banks by Country

The Banker magazine awarded the annual ranking of the best banks by country for 2010 this week. The winners were selected from more than 500 entries. The best banks were selected based on their performances over the past 12 months. The global winner for this year is UK-based Standard Chartered Bank. The winners of The …

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Top 10 Hungarian Banks by Assets

The Top 10 Hungarian banks based on assets as of December 2009 are listed below: [TABLE=687] Source: FT Foreign banks have invested heavily in Hungarian banks. For example, MKB is majority owned by BayernLB. Raiffeisen is one of the leading Austrian Banks. CIB is majority owned by Intesa SanPaolo of Italy. GE(GE) of U.S. owns …

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Which is the World’s Best Stock?

The world’s best stock in terms of returns is not a U.S.-based company stock. Many people assume that Warren Buffet’s Berskhire Hathaway is the world’s best stock. However that is not true. According to the Swedish business daily Dagens Industri’s stock market expert  and author Björn Wilke, Sweden’s Handelsbanken is the best stock in the …

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