Emerging Market Returns by Country From 2003 Thru First Half 2017

Emerging markets have performed well so far this year with countries like India, Brazil, Mexico, etc. up by double digit percentage points. Unlike developed markets, emerging markets tend to me more volatile in terms of returns from year over year. The chart below shows the returns of emerging countries from 2003: Click to enlarge   …

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Multiple Expansion or Dividend Growth: Which is the Main Driver of Long-Term Equity Returns ?

Generally most investors aim achieve their long-term goal with equity investing with capital appreciation of their holdings. Only some of the investors pay attention to dividend yield and dividend growth in the long-term. While there are many reasons for this situation, one of the main factor is that growth stocks tned to have solid and …

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Established Companies Have Performed Well Compared To Younger Companies: A British Example

Companies with a long history and established in their respective industries tend to perform well in the long run. Though there are few exceptions, established well reputed firms reward shareholders for their loyalty in tems of both stock price appreciation and rising dividends. A study by Credit Suisse in the UK market showed that established …

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Nine out of the Top 12 Most-Shorted US Stocks Are Tech Stocks

The tech sector in the US equity market has soared to astronomical levels this year. In terms of equity returns, the sector as a whole has risen more than double that of the S&P 500 so far this year. Most investors seem to have forgotten about the dot com crash and are placing their hopes …

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