S&P 500 Price vs. Total Return Over 5 Years: Chart

The S&P 500 is up by 19.59% year-to-date based on price only. However based on total return which includes dividend reinvestment the return is 21.36% so far this year. In the past few years the dividend yield on the index is around 2%. Though the yield is small, the difference between the price return and …

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Average Investors Underperform Most Asset Classes

The enemy of the average individual investor is no one but himself. The average investor underperforms over almost every other asset class in terms of returns over the long run. This is because investors get distracted by a variety of things that are detrimental to their returns. Some of the things that retail investors do …

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Eleven Drawdowns Over The Past Eighty Years: Table

US equity markets have turned extremely volatile since June is year. Fears of recession up until a few ago has been overtaken by positive developments or hints of progress in the trade dispute with China. In addition, Brexit and other chaos adds more uncertainties to the global equity markets. Even if the market stabilizes and …

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Stock Market Peaks of G-20 Countries Since Global Financial Crisis

The US equity market reached a new record high since the Global Financial Crisis(GFC) in July this year. Since that peak the market has been wobbly to say the least. None of the other global markets have reached a peak this year. In fact, some markets like Russia, Brazil and Canada reached their peaks since …

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Which Sectors Perform Well During Recessions?

During periods of economic contractions some sectors perform well while others don’t. For instance, when the economy is in recession, sectors such as leisure, travel, consumer discretionary, luxury retail, etc. are adversely impacted as consumers cut back on spending on those items. On the other hand, consumer staples, energy and utility sectors remain stable during …

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