Why it is Important To Be Aware of Survivorship Bias in Equity Investing

One of the important concepts to be aware of with equity investing is the survivorship bias. Simply put this theory means ignoring losers and focusing on winners which can skew one’s thinking or results. For instance, hundreds of biotech firms are launched in the public markets but only a handful or even less are highly …

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On The Gap Between Investor Returns And Fund Returns

Multiple studies have shown that individual investors always tend to earn less than the funds they are invested in especially over the long-term. This is because many investors try to time the market and hence sell the mutual fund or ETF at the presumed peak and then buy back again at the wrong time as …

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Will Inflation Hurt Stock Returns? : Chart

US equity markets have been more volatile in the past few weeks. Investors are worried about a variety of factors such as growing debt, rising bond yields, China, excessive valuations and of course the most important of all – inflation. It is widely accepted that stocks are the best asset class to own to beat …

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