On the Performance of Auto-Parts Retailers Stocks

One way to profit from the growth of the automotive sector is to invest in auto parts companies. This includes auto parts markets and retailers. Auto makers are not a great investment especially for the long-term due to many issues including legacy obligations and other factors. Auto parts makers and retailers benefit benefit during good …

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GRANOLAS: The 11 Best European Superstar Stocks

European stocks are under-performing American stocks at least so far this year. Despite COVID-19 and the ensuing economic chaos, the S&P 500 is down just 12.4% year-to-date. After a dramatic plunge in February and March, equities have rallied sharply. However nobody knows if this rally will hold through the rest of the year. Compared to …

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10 Under The Radar Foreign Stocks Offer Potential Investment Opportunities

One of the strategies for success with equity investing is to identify stocks that are under followed by the investment community. These stocks generally tend to fly under the radar but have good growth prospects. The majority of investors tend to follow the herd mentality and go with the most popular stocks or widely held …

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Five Stocks To Monitor For Potential Investment Opportunities

The US equity market has performed well so far this year with the S&P up by about 5%.Many of the foreign markets including the developed European markets are under-performing the US. With that said, there are plenty of opportunities for investors with a long-term view. The following are five stocks that investors can monitor for …

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