Nuclear Power Growth Continues in Developing Countries

In an article last April I wrote that despite the events at the Fukushima, Japan “power generation from nuclear energy is set to rise in many countries.”. I came across an interesting article in The Wall Street Journal this week on this topic.From the article: Developing countries with an insatiable thirst for electricity are going …

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Comparing Sources of Electricity Generation in North American OECD Countries

I came across the following interesting chart showing the sources of power generation in the OECD countries of North America: Source: International Energy Outlook 2011, U.S. Energy Information Administration Coal is the major source of electricity generation in the U.S.. Accounting for about 50% of the fuel source in 2008, it is projected to decline …

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Looking for Opportunities Among Europe’s Largest Electricity Companies

Most European equity markets were down by digits last year due to the debt crisis. Along with stocks from other sectors investors also dumped the traditionally stable utility stocks. The STOXX® Europe 600 Utilities Index reached a high of over 600 before the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2008 in US dollar terms. On 1/20/12 …

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Five Investment Opportunities in the Home Care Sector

One of the consumer staple industries that can be considered as recession-proof is the home care industry. Manufacturers in this sector produce a wide variety of goods for various categories including laundry care, air care, surface care, toilet care, insecticides, dishwashing, polishes and bleaches. According to a report by Euromonitor International, laundry alone accounts for …

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