German Utility E.ON has Stable Growth and Solid Dividend Yield

Germany-based E.ON is one of the largest natural gas and electricity producer in the world. The ADR stock trades on the OTC with ticker EONGY.Currently it pays a juicy 5.79% dividend and has a $65B market cap. From its March lows of $22 the ADR has nicely rebounded to close at $35.54 today. The following …

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Many Foreign Utilities Are Up Nicely Off March Lows

Foreign utility stocks have performed well similar to the financial sector off the lows attained in March this year.While the financial sector gets most of the media attention due to the stress-tests in the US, bailouts and other events, I wanted to find out how the foreign utility sector was performing since the March lows. …

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Global Mining Stocks Are Getting Hot Again

Commodity prices are often a correlation, but investors now increasingly chase potential acquisition targets. A selection of 100 of the world’s best performing mining stocks shows an aggregate value of USD 33bn, and a weighted average gain of 367% over the past six months, vastly outperforming any other known grouping of equities. There are multiple …

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Foreign Utilities List with Current Yields

During bear markets utility stocks used to be provide shelter for investors since they were considered to be stable, slow-growth and conservative investments. However that has changed in the past few years. These days they do not seem to offer the much-desired stability and protection that they were once known for. This is evident in …

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