Knowledge is Power: Best Canadian Stocks, Automation Ironies and Frontier Markets Edition

The Shanghai Composite is leading global indices this year with a jump of over 21% so far. India is up by over 5% while Brazil has increased by a decent 12% year-to-date. In developed Europe, DAX is up by over 10%. It remains to be see if the rest of the year adds more returns to …

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Knowledge is Power: Global Dividends, Smart Investor, Earnings Growth Edition

Argentina is the top performer so far this year with the Merval Index up by 21%. Mexico has increased by a modest 5% despite hopes of great gains after AMLO came to power. Among the developed European markets, Germany is up by 8.5% while UK’s FTSE 100 has gained only 6.7% as the market is …

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Knowledge is Power: Gold, Utility Sector, Dividend Growth Strategies Edition

Germany’s DAX Index has had a strong start this with a return of 3.1% compared to the poor performance last year. All of the major developed markets in Europe are in the positive so far this year. The Brexit drama continues and may dampen the markets’ upward movement should there be a no-deal hard Brexit.The …

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The Top 20 Regional Banks in the US 2019

The Top 20 Regional Banks in the US were published last month by the Bank Director magazine. These banks were ranked for each of the four regional categories: Northeast, Midwest, South and West using data from 2018. The winners were selected based 10 factors such as Branch Network Strategy, Retail Strategy, Small Business Strategy, Core …

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