Knowledge is Power: Greedy Ghost, American Middle Class, Innovative Companies Edition

The S&P 500 is up by 17% YTD on price only basis. US equities have performed well so far this year however many headwinds are still lingering for the reminder of the year including the ongoing trade fight with China. It remains to be seen if the gains will hold through the end of the …

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Knowledge is Power: Big Tech, Gig Economy, Value Stocks Edition

Investors had a knee-jerk reaction to the new US trade war with Mexico. Trying to tie trade with immigration is not a great strategy. Most likely this will be blocked by the Congress. Questions are already started to appear in the media if this President will also turn into a one-time President. Since the start …

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Knowledge is Power: Frontier Markets, Emerging Markets, Power of Disruption Edition

Global equity markets were soaring high thru April this year only to stumped by the US-China trade dispute. Volatility has returned to the markets with some investors heading for the exit while others remain bullish hoping the current dispute can be resolved quickly. Despite the recent fall, the S&P 500 is up by about 13%. …

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Knowledge is Power: Tech Innovation, Defensive Investing, Why Britain Edition

The S&P 500 has shot up by 13.07% so far this year, making it one of the best start of the year in recent history. Many of the developed European markets are also up nicely year-to-date with the DAX gaining over 9%. It remains to be seen if the indices can add on to the …

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