Knowledge is Power: Concentration in S&P 500, Emerging Market Leadership, Railroads Edition

U.S. stocks have performed well at least so far this year. The S&P 500 is up over 18%. It remains to be seen if these gains hold through the rest of the year. Markets have become more volatile this month and fears of a correction are getting louder every day. International equities are also having …

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Knowledge is Power: International Stocks, Dividend Stocks, Cognitive Bias Edition

US stocks are performing well so far this year. Unlike last year value stocks such as utilities are increasing. Despite the hype of the “Roaring 20s” style recovery caution is warranted. For example, millions of people are not waiting to jump on a ship or a so called “petri dish” of covid last year. Similarly …

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Knowledge is Power: Bubble Spotting, Black Sea Facts, Trends Investing Edition

Welcome to the Jungle that is the US equity market ! “Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent” said the great British Economist John Maynard Keynes. In wacky times such as now, the trick to keep calm when markets go crazy and carry on with the long-term goal in mind. Below are a …

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Knowledge is Power: Bottom Calling, Depression Lessons, Angry Americans Edition

The US equity market is down just 11% as represented by the S&P 500 year-to-date. Despite the violent crash into bear market in March, stocks have recovered equally strongly in the past few weeks. Nobody knows if this recovery will continue to hold. With the death toll still rising and mass unemployment further increasing it …

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