Knowledge is Power: Bond Proxies, US Airports, International Stocks Edition

UK: Are mislabelled ‘bond proxies’ the new value sector?, FE Trustnet Will a Trump presidency make US active fund management great again?, Money Observer All Aboard the CSX Activist Train, Bloomberg Gadfly Why do so many people hate US airports?, BBC The CURE for a calm market: Four risks for 2017, Schwab The Champions of the …

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Knowledge is Power: Investing Lessons, World Disorder, British Bond Proxies Edition

Investing lessons from a theme park tour of California (and yes, markets are a lot like roller coasters) (Financial Post) Will equities continue to climb the ‘wall of worry’? (FE Trustnet) Will this bull market end with a whimper – or a catastrophic bang? (MoneyWeek) Martin Wolf: The long and painful journey to world disorder (FT) It’s Time for …

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Knowledge is Power: Canadian Charts, American Tragedy ?, New Dividend Strategy Edition

75 charts every Canadian should watch in 2017 (MaClean’s) The 10 best and worst performing stock markets of 2016 (Money Observer) Canadian stocks poised to accelerate should U.S. growth gain speed (Financial Post) Is America about to collapse? Here are some reasons it’s a genuine tragedy (News Ltd.) The experts’ view on European equities in 2017 (FE Trustnet) …

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Knowledge is Power: Globalisation, Car Habbit, Emerging Markets Edition

Our Humble Solution to Unite Europe (S&P Indexology) Why chasing the TSX’s strong year could spell trouble for Canadian investors (Financial Post) Emerging Markets: Why They Deserve a Place in Your Portfolio (Schwab) New Zealand tops annual prosperity index, absolutely smokes Australia ( One market that will be absolutely crushed by higher interest rates (MoneyWeek) Beacon of …

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