Why German Electric Utilities Are Stuck In Neutral

Two of the largest German electric utility stocks E.ON AG(EONGY) and RWE AG(RWEOY) were on a downtrend trend for a few years now and seemed to be stuck in neutral this year.The end of the Federal elections recently has also not yet brought changes to highly controversial German energy policies. The main reason for the poor …

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The Top Trade Partners of Germany 2012

The German economy is the largest in Europe with a GDP size of about 2.6 Trillion Euros in 2012. As an export-driven economy, Germany consistently runs an export surplus. The following chart shows Germany’s major trading partners in 2012: Click to enlarge Source: De Statis Some interesting facts about Germany’s trade: Germany’s most important trade …

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German Blue-Chips Are Increasing Dividend Payouts

The Germany economy recovered quickly from the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and continues to remain strong despite the ongoing fiscal crises in other parts of Europe. The largest economy in Europe is also highly export-oriented. Hence many German companies especially the larger ones depend more on overseas markets than their domestic and European markets. Even …

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The 32 Largest German Companies By Revenue 2012

** UPDATE **  For the latest list checkout : The Top German Companies By Revenue 2016 (TFS) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Germany has the largest economy in Europe and is a key member of the European Union. Unlike other European countries the German economy weathered the recent European crisis well and the country helps rescue other debt-ridden EU …

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Germany vs. USA: A Short Economic Comparison using Three Factors

The German economy is the largest in Europe with population of about 81 million and a GDP of about $3.0 Trillion in 2011. By all measures the German economic growth since the unification with the former East Germany has been a huge success with Bloomberg BusinessWeek magazine devoting a cover story on this topic. The country …

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