Average Annual Hours Worked by Workers in OECD Country in 2022 or Latest: Chart

The average hours worked per year for countries was published by OECD recently. According to their date, the Colombian worker worked the most at over 2,405 hours per year. The average American worked just over 1,810 hours per year. The EU average was 1,570 hours. Germany had the lowest hours per worker at 1,340 hours …

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Germany’s DAX Index Returns Triangle 1953 to 2021: Chart

The German Stock Institute published their updated version of the DAX Index Annual Returns Triangle Chart for the years from 1953 to 2021. According to this chart, the average annual return on the DAX return over the past 70 years thru 2021 was 8.9%. For the most chart the chart shows positive returns in any …

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Germany’s Top 10 Trading Partners in 2022: Chart

The top export destination for Germany is the US based on preliminary 2022 data according to Destatis. The next export country was France followed by the Netherlands. China used to the second top export market Germany in 2020. But the pandemic and other factors have changed that. China is the top country for imports into …

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The Major Trading Partners and Trading Goods of Germany in 2020

Germany is the economic powerhouse of Europe. For global investors it is wise to be aware of the major countries Germany trades with and also the types of goods Germany exports and imports. With that said, Germany’s major trading partners in 2020 are shown in the chart below. The US was the largest export market for …

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Why Staying Invested is Very Important: A DAX Index Study

One of the critical factors that determines success with equity investing is the ability to stay invested not only during bull markets but also during bear markets. As the saying goes time in the market is important than timing the market This is because bear markets are followed by bull markets and vice versa, More …

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