GDP Per Capita: Emerging vs. Developed Markets

Emerging markets such Brazil, China, India, Russia,etc. have had overall strong economic growth in the past few decades.However despite the tremendous increase in the standard of living in these and other emerging countries, the GDP per Capita is still far lower than those of developed countries. Click to enlarge Source: Emerging-Market Equity 2017 Outlook, Franklin Templeton Investments …

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Emerging vs. Developed Market Total Returns Since 1987

Emerging markets have outperformed developed markets this year. As of  Sept 9, the MSCI Emerging Markets Index is up 14.5% while the MSCI World Index is up 2.7% according to an article by investment guru Mark Mobius. The MSCI World index is a proxy for developed markets. The following chart shows the total return of Emerging vs. Developed …

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Emerging Stocks Are Cheaper Than Developed Stocks Now

Emerging equity markets have outperformed developed markets so far this year. Major emerging markets such as Brazil, Russia, India, etc. are up by double digit percentage points. China is a laggard with the Shanghai Composite down by 13% as of Sept 9th. Despite the strong returns year-to-date emerging markets are still attractive on a valuation basis …

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Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns: Emerging Markets From 2006 To 2015

The Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns for various Emerging Market indices from 2006 to 2015 are shown in the chart below: Click to enlarge Source: Callan Associates Emerging markets are hot this year with many markets having soared by double digit percentages so far. These markets were also the top performers before the Global Financial …

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Development Models: China’s Socialism Beats Capitalism?

China follows a unique form of political system called  “market socialism”. In this system, the economy is capitalist to some extent but the political system is communist. Under this system only one party runs the country and no other party is allowed to exist. The state plays a major role in the functioning of the …

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