Debt to Savings Ratio As a Percentage of GDP of Select Countries

China is creditor country while the US is the largest debtor country in the world. China has also one of the low debt to savings ratio in the world as shown in the chart below: Click to enlarge Source: 5 Big Risks Posed by China (And Why They Shouldn’t Crash Global Markets in 2017) by Michelle Gibley, Charles Schwab …

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US GDP Growth: Democratic vs. Republican Presidents

The presidential election in November will decide the winner of the highest office in the land. The US President is often depicted as the single most powerful human being on the planet. He is often considered to have God-like powers to do almost anything he desires. Hollywood  and the media has created a myth that …

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Comparing Poverty Rates Across OECD Countries: Chart

The percentage of population living below the poverty threshold levels across OECD member countries are shown in the chart below: Click to enlarge Source: Society at a Glance 2016, OECD The U.S. ranks second in this list with only Israel having higher percentage. The current poverty threshold level in the US is $24,300 for a family …

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Americans Are The Largest Holders of US Government Debt

Many people believe that China owns most of the US debt. This is not true. US investors are the largest holders of US debt and not China. China is the largest holder of US debt among foreign holders. The chart below shows the holders of US treasury debt: Click to enlarge Source: The US is indebted …

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Infographics: The US Stock market and Election Cycles

The US Presidential Election is in full swing with both the candidates trying hard to gain voters.The equity market does not care whether a Republican or a Democrat ends up in The White House. To that end, Charles Schwab published the following infographic showing the performance of stock markets during presidential election cycles. Click to enlarge …

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