U.S. Economy: Is A Recession Inevitable?

President-Elect Trump has announced that he will withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on his first day in office. In addition he has also proposed to tear up other trade deals the US has with countries around the world such as the NAFTA with Canada and Mexico or enact barriers such as tariffs. So the question now …

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The Global Wealth Pyramid 2016

Credit Suisse recently published its annual the Global Wealth Report for this year, The below chart shows the The Global Wealth Pyramid 2016: Click to enlarge Source: Global Wealth Report 2016, Credit Suisse The majority of the world’s population or about 3.5 billion people (73% of total adults) have less $10,000 in wealth. The top of the pyramid or 0.7% of …

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On The State Of The US Coal Industry

The coal industry in the US has been on a decline for many years. With hundreds of miners closures thousands of mining jobs have disappeared. Just a few years ago some of the coal mining firms filed for bankruptcy as the demand for coal plunged. President-elect Donald Trump has promised to revive the coal industry …

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Road Deaths: U.S. vs. Other Countries

A recent article in the NYTimes noted that traffic fatalities in the US reached the highest in 50 years as more drivers are distracted with smartphone apps. From the article: The messaging app Snapchat allows motorists to post photos that record the speed of the vehicle. The navigation app Waze rewards drivers with points when …

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Globalization: Impact on Global Exports and Ecnomic Growth

The exponential rise of globalization in the past few decades has created winners and losers. Some of the losers are workers in the developed countries.Winners include corporations, capitalists, farmers, etc, in these countries. In addition, one of the biggest beneficiaries of globalization is the millions of workers in developing countries. As the middle-class workers in the rich …

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