Comparing Consumption Tax Rate Across OECD Countries

Consumption tax rate, called as Value-Added tax(VAT) or Sales Tax, varies across OECD member countries. The average rate .among all OECD countries is 19.2%. The average rate for OECD countries that are members of the EU is even higher at 21.7%. The chart below shows the consumption tax rates between OCED countries: Click to enlarge …

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Paid Parental-Leave Across OECD Countries

“What this country needs is a really good five cent cigar”  – Thomas Riley Marshall, US Vice President (1913–21) Millions of rules, regulations and laws exist on the books in the US. Sometimes however it feels like common sense is lacking in the most basic things of human life. One such thing is the issue of paid …

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Algorithms Are Susceptible To Massaging By Their Creators

The Wall Street Journal published an article by Jo Craven Mcginty back in October titled “Algorithms Aren’t Biased, But the People Who Write Them May Be“. The author discussed a book called “Weapons of Math Destruction” published by Dr.Cathy O’Neil and how algorithms are used in many different industries. An excerpt from the piece: The …

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The Major Beer Companies And Their Brands: Infographics

The major global beer makers and the brands owned by them are shown in the graphics below: Click to enlarge Source: Daily Infographics Some of the firms listed above are Ambev(ABEV), SABMiller(SBMRY), Carlsberg A/S (CABGY), Heineken NV (HEINY) and Diageo plc (DEO). Related Posts: How American Is Your Beer? World’s Top Five Beer Companies A Review of the …

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Which Sectors Outperform When Interest Rates Rise?

Some sectors of the equity market perform when interest rates rise and vice versa. Based on an analysis of historical data, a report by Fidelity Investments notes that high-yielding sectors like utilities and consumer staples under-perform when rates rise. On the other hand, financials outperform the overall market when rates increase. Click to enlarge   Source: A new …

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