How American Workers Suffer a Double Whammy of Higher Taxes and Lower Wages

The US unemplyment rate stood at 4.4% in August according to BLS data. Despite the steady decline in the rate since the Global Financial Crisis(GFC) wage growth contniues to be stagnant. In most industries wages have not kept up with inflation. However the economy as a whole is growing due to credit markets. Debts of …

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The US Consumer Debt Burden: Infographic

US household debt has reached a new high of $12.8 Trillion. This figure exceeds the debt levels reached in 2008 at the height of the Global Financial Crisis(GFC). A strong economy with low unemployment rates is allowing American consumers to take on more debt. As a results debts of all types from credit cards to …

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Corporate Income Tax by Country 2017 and 2010

The Corporate Income Tax is the highest in the US among OECD member nations. In 2017 the rate stood at 39.1%. Globally this rate is the second highest after Colombia according to a report by the Tax Foundation. The chart below shows the Corporate Income Tax by Country 2017 and 2017 for select countries: Click to …

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US Federal Debt Since Country’s Founding

The current outstanding US debt is over $19.8 Trillion or 19,844,586,961,607.12 to be exact as of September 7, 2017 according to US Treasury. The national debt rises during periods of crises such as World War II. Among the major developed countries US is in a unique situation where government expenditures exceed revenues. Since expenditures for entitlement programs such …

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