College Tuition in the U.S. Continues To Soar

The cost of college tuition in the US contiues to increase each year. In fact, college tuition has been increasing at a higher rate than even healthcare and is double that of overall consumer prices. The causes for the relentless rise of college tution are many including cheap and easy loans from Uncle Sam, requirement …

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Water Consumption per capita for Select Countries

Water consumption per capita is high in the US relative to other countries. An average American consumes 1,583 cubic metres per year. Other developed countries like UK, Denmark, Ireland, etc. consumer much less. For example, an average British consumers only 129 cubic metres according to the chart below: Click to enlarge   Source: Running Out of Freshwater, The …

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US Top Marginal Income Tax Rates 1913 To 2017: For Individuals vs. Corporations

The graph below shows the US top marginal individual income tax rate against top marginal corporate tax rates. The tax rates haven’t changed in over 30 years. The current administration is planning to reduce the top rate for individuals from 39.6% to 35% and for corporations from 35% to 20%. Click to enlarge   Source: This …

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On The Relationship Between Economic Growth and Life Expectancy in G-7 Countries

Higher economic growth does not necessarily lead to better well being of a country’s citizens. Among the G-7 member countries the US has the highest GDP per capita but the lowest life expectancy according to an article by Prof.John Ross, Senior Fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China. The fact that …

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