Americans Spend 19% of Personal Expenditures on HealthCare

Healthcare is very expensive in the US to say the least. Unlike other developed countries healthcare expenditure account for a high percentage of national budget. At the micro level, individuals spend 19.3% of their personal expenditures on healthcare according to BEA data. Or to put it another way, in 2017 Americans spent about one fifth …

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Comparing High-Speed Rail Networks between China and USA

China is a communist country with a market economy. Other than the communist party no other political parties are allowed and anyone trying to start one is jailed or worse. The state maintains a centrally planned economy where everything is determined by the state and funds allocated according to bureaucrats sitting in government offices. The …

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Exports to the US as a Percentage of Each Trade Partner’s GDP: Chart

The top five trading partners of the US are China, Canada, Mexico, Japan and Mexico in the order noted. Canada and Mexico are top trade partners due to their proximity to the US and also being members of the NAFTA. China tops all countries in trading goods with the US. However the US runs a …

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