U.S. Outstanding Student Loan Debt Mountain Reached $1.5 Trillion

Student loan debt is the largest debt in the US after mortgages. According to the Federal Reserve, the outstanding US student loan debt reached an astonishing $1.5 Trillion at the end of first quarter, 2018. This debt mountain is so huge that it is bigger than even outstanding credit card loans and auto loans. From …

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The Top 10 Cheapest Airlines In The World 2018: Chart

The world’s cheapest airlines were published earlier this year by the Australian travel site Rome2Rio. According to their study, based on average price per kms in US dollars, the cheapest airlines are in Asia. The ranking was topped by Air Asia, Air India Express and Indonesia Air Asia. The World’s Cheapest and Most Expensive Airlines …

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A Timeline of Retail Bankruptcies From 2015 Thru March 2018: Infographics

The retail industry is one of the worst performing industries in recent years. Hundreds of retail companies have gone bankrupt some almost overnight. A variety of factors are attributed to the retail apocalypse with Amazon being the prime reason. However blaming Amazon(AMZN) for all failures is an easy way out. Real reasons such as moronic …

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