Five Global Currencies That Are Closely Tied To Commodities

Some of the major countries in the world are commodity based economies.Heavy dependence on commodity exports affects the relative value of their currencies. The five currencies that are closed tied to commodities are: 1.Australian Dollar – Australia is the world’s largest producer and exporter of iron ore. Demand for the ore strongly impacts the Australian dollar …

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Interest Payments on National Debt: Chart

The current US National Debt is over $15.7 Trillion or 15,760,417,329,521.12 to be exact as of Sept 20, 2018 according to the US Treasury. The interest due on this huge mountain of debt is also huge. According to an article, the interest on this debt accounts for 7.4% of the US Federal Budget making it the …

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Robot Density in Emerging and Developed Countries

Automation is being embraced by many industries across the world. No longer automation simply involved using robots to perform complex physical and dangerous tasks in the industrial sector. Today robots are used not only for physical tasks but also for cognitive tasks according to a report on automation by Deutsche Bank. The author Jim Reid …

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Why Manufacturing Jobs Are Better Jobs

FT Alphaville published an interesting analysis on why manufacturing jobs in the US are better than other jobs. The article basically debunks Gary Cohn, ex-head of the President’s National Economic Council simplistic and lack of critical thinking views on why one would prefer a nice cushy office job in an air-conditioned office than working in mine …

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