How Does Social Security Payments in the US Compare to Other Developed Countries : Chart

The Social Security is one of the main public pension system for retired Americans. Despite the presence of contribution-based retirement plans such as 401Ks, individual retirements plans, widespread popularity of equity investments including mutual funds, the good old social security payment from Uncle Sam supports a big portion of the living expenses of retired people. …

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How Democratic is your Country?: Infographic

The following graphic shows the rating of countries based on the latest Democracy Index by The Economist Intelligence Unit. Most of Africa are authoritarian regimes. Same for most of the Middle East, Russia and China. Some of the major countries are classified as flawed democracies. These include Brazil, India, Italy, France and the US. North …

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Research Study: Countries with Loose Rule-Breaking Cultures Have Been Hit Harder by Covid

A fascinating article  in The Guardian yesterday discussed why the Coronavirus hit some countries harder than others was published based on a research study. According to the author, Michele Gelfand of professor at the University of Maryland Covid was deadlier in countries with “loose” relaxed attitude towards rule-breakers. Most of the countries the western world fall in …

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