Two Sneaky Ways Delta Airlines Cheats Its Customers

One of the worst industries in the US is the airline industry. A handful of airlines dominate the industry leading to atrocious customer service. To be precise, just 4 airlines account for more than 80% of the market share. As a oligopoly, these airlines are able to treat their customers worse than sheep and get …

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The Impact of Federal Interest Rate Cut on Consumers

The Fed cut the Fed Funds Rate by a quarter point last week. This is the first cut in since 2008. The reduction in rate will have an impact on consumers’ borrowing costs. All types of loans from mortgages to auto loans will cost a little lower. The following infographic from Schwab shows some of …

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The World’s Worst Cities For Traffic Congestion: Infographic

Most of the cities ranked worst for sitting in traffic are in emerging markets. The world’s most congested city is Mumbai, India followed by Bogota, Colombia and Lima, Peru. Among the developed world cities in the list are London, Paris, Rome and New York. Being stuck for hours in traffic not only has a huge …

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The Boiling Point of Water at Different Elevations: Infographics

Water boils at different temperatures at different elevations. On the sea level water boils at 100 degrees C but at higher elevations such as the City of La Paz, Bolivia which lies at a height of about 12,000 feet water boils at around 88 C. The following fascinating infographics shows the temperature at which water …

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