Inequality is Rising in the U.S.

Inequality as measured by the Gini coefficients is the highest in emerging countries. Among developed countries, the US has the highest inequality which is not surprising. Inequality is also rising in the US due to a variety of reasons including tax cuts for the wealthy, lower tax rates on capital gains over labor income, etc. …

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Levels of Wealth Concentration Across Countries: Chart

In the modern economy, the rich keep getting richer while the poor getting poorer. Inequality in wealth and income has been growing for many decades now and the wealth disparity between the haves and have-nots is especially wider in developing countries. In many developed countries also, wealth is becoming highly concentrated with a small group …

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The Top 20 Countries for Foreign Direct Investment 2018

The Top 20 Countries for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in 2018 is shown in the chart below. The figures for 2017 is also shown for comparison purposes. Even with a reduction in FDI in 2018, the US is the largest recipient of FDI in the world. China is the next top country for attracting FDI …

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Interesting WSJ Article on What Americans Can Learn From The French On Free Markets

“Competition is a sin”  – John D. Rockefeller The fundamental principle of capitalism is the belief in free markets and competition. In a free market economy, competition is encourage and market participants compete against one another for the benefit of all. In such an economy, the state ensures that no one company monopolies an industry or …

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