The Most and Least Happy Countries in the World

The most and the least happy country in the world are shown in the graphic below. For four years in row, Finland was the most happy country followed by Denmark and Switzerland. Ukraine was the least happy country in Europe and Afghanistan was the least happy country in the world. Click to enlarge Source: RFE/RL …

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How Did Past Research Help Covid-19 Vaccine Development: Chart

Its been more than a year since the Covid-19 pandemic started ravaging the developed world. As of yesterday, over 30 million Americans are infected and the death toll exceeded 547,000 according to NY Times data. Globally more than  2.7 million have died with some countries such as Brazil suffering from surge in cases. On the …

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Industry Weightings in the US and UK Stock Markets in 1900 vs. 2021

In 1900, the US and UK equity markets looked a lot different than today. The US was an emerging market in the beginning of the 20th century while the UK was colonial super power. Now the UK is just another developed country but no longer a power. Unlike other emerging countries, the US economy grew …

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