Research Study: Countries with Loose Rule-Breaking Cultures Have Been Hit Harder by Covid

A fascinating article  in The Guardian yesterday discussed why the Coronavirus hit some countries harder than others was published based on a research study. According to the author, Michele Gelfand of professor at the University of Maryland Covid was deadlier in countries with “loose” relaxed attitude towards rule-breakers. Most of the countries the western world fall in …

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How Corrupt Is Your Country? : Infographic

Every year Transparency International publishes a report ranking the countries of the world based on corruption. The 2020 ranking showed Denmark and New Zealand ranked number one followed by Finland, Singapore and Sweden in the third spot. The US took the 25th rank ahead of Georgia and Armenia. The US should eliminate corruption at all …

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Could the US Go from Worst To First in Crushing Covid-19?

The total number of people infected with Covid-19 is over 25.4 million as of Jan 26, 2021. The death toll has reached 425,208 according to data compiled by the NY Times. While a few months ago it seemed that there was no end in sight to this immense tragedy, it is now possible to imagine …

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On The Adoption Patterns for Disruptive Technologies and Products

Innovation plays an important role in the success of a business. Companies that invest heavily in R&D and come up with market-leading technologies or products tend to be rewarded by consumers and investors. With new technologies such as Electric Vehicles, Battery technology, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cloud Computing, Renewable Energy, etc. emerging faster and getting more …

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