Interesting Views on America by a BBC Editor

It is always interesting to hear their thoughts on the US from foreigners. The views tend to differ based on where they come from. For example, someone from a poor country might consider the US as the best in everything. However someone from another developed country say Canada, Germany, France, UK, etc. might not agree …

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Automotive Supply Chain Networks Could Shrink With The Shift To Electric Vehicles

The automotive industry is projected to see major changes in the year leading to 2030 as the world moves away from internal combustion engine vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs) according to the World Investment Report 2020 published by UNCTAD. Today the auto industry is a highly complex industry with many Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and …

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Just 4% of US-listed Companies Created all the Wealth in 90 Years

Success with investing in stocks requires more than following simple concepts such as Buy and Hold, Dividend Growth Investing, Buy Low and Sell High, Momentum chasing, etc. it requires more than anything picking the rights stocks or to be more precise – picking the winners than losers. This is because if an investor picks randomly …

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