Nuclear Power Reactors Operating in the US: Map

The US is the world’s largest producer nuclear power accounting for 30% of the worldwide nuclear generation of electricity according to World Nuclear Association. However nuclear power is still the major source of electricity. France is the top country for depending of nuclear energy for its electricity needs. France generates most of its electricity from nuclear …

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Covid-19 Levels Soar Across The U.S.

The daily average for Covid-19 cases in the US reached 301,472 yesterday according to NY Times. In the past 2 weeks, it has soared by more than 153%. All previous records are getting broken in many states across the country. Compared to other developed and even emerging countries, the vaccination rate is still low at …

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Why Did Ford Fail in India?

Many American companies are successful at operating in other countries far away from the US and have become true multinationals. However there are some firms that have failed miserably in their expansion in overseas markets. They failed for a variety of reasons ranging from not respecting local culture and customs to trying to impose American …

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Concentration in the US Equity Market in the Long Term

The makeup of the US stock market has evolved over the past two centuries according to the changes in the economy. When the market was first established in the 1800s financial firms were the only ones listed as per an article in the Ruffer Review published last year. Transportation firms especially the railroads dominated in …

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