Comparing U.S. Healthcare Spending to Other OECD Countries

Healthcare spending in the US is the highest in the world. On a per capita basis the US spends more than any other OECD country as the below chart shows. In 2021, the US spent $12,318 per per person in healthcare spending. The second highest among OECD countries was Germany at $7,383 followed by Switzerland. …

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Dividend Tax Rates in Europe: Chart

Taxes on dividends paid out to shareholders of a corporation is an important source of revenue for countries. Similar to taxes on personal income, capital gains, etc. the tax rate on dividend varies between countries. The following chart shows “the top personal dividend tax rate, taking account of all imputations, credits, or offsets” for European …

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Sources of Tax Revenue in the US vs. OECD Countries

While researching on capital taxes around the world recently, I came across the below interesting graph that shows the sources of tax revenue in the US compared to the OECD countries. Tax revenues come in various categories such as Individual Taxes, Corporate Taxes, Property Taxes, etc. But they differ significantly in terms of reliance on …

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The World’s Most and Least Corrupt Corrupt Countries: Charts

Earlier this year, Transparency International released the 2021 Corruption Perception Index. According to the report, the least corrupt countries are Denmark, Finland and New Zealand. The most corrupt countries are South Sudan, Somalia and Syria. The US was ranked 27th. Ukraine ranked 123 out of 180 countries and Russia came in at 136. Click to …

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