Two Charts on Global Renewable Energy Transition

The world continues to depend on coal, oil and gas as the primary sources for energy. Though the share of renewable energy sources is increasing it is still under 40% at a global level. Coal is the dirtiest form of energy source and fossil fuels like natural gas and oil are not the cleanest either. …

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Two Charts on Inequality in the US

Inequality is the highest in the United States among the developed countries. According to data released by Census Bureau released in September income inequality grew in the US in 2021 for the first time in a decade. Income and Wealth inequality is usually higher in emerging and frontier countries. However similar situation has been prevalent …

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Individuals Paid More Taxes Than Corporations in 2021: Chart

One fascinating aspect of the tax structure in the US is that the Federal Government receives more in taxes from individuals than corporations. I wrote about this fact all the way back in 2011 and again 2016. In 2021, it got worse. Individuals paid $2 Trillion in taxes while corporations paid just $372 Billion in …

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International Tax Competitiveness Index Rankings 2022: Chart

The Tax Foundation recently published the International Tax Competitiveness Index report for 2022. This is a fascinating study that measures important factors related to taxes and ranks the OECD countries. Estonia ranked 1 this year with the best tax code followed by Latvia and New Zealand. The US came in at number 22, the same …

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