China Overtakes US in Patent Filings: Chart

China used to be considered the factor floor of the world. Millions of laborers toiled in factories around the country producing cheap goods for consumption mostly by the developed world and also by other emerging countries. That scenario has changed these days as China embarks on a mission to transform the economy from a manufacturing-based …

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China: The Original Silk Road vs. The New Silk Road

The Original Silk Road in China linked the country with many countries extending all the way to the Mediterranean reaching Rome and beyond in Europe. The road network enabled vibrant trade of goods such as silk, spices, wood, paper and other products between many countries enabling China to be a major power thousands of years …

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Auto Penetration Rate in China, India vs. Developed Countries: Chart

One of the main luxuries of emerging middle class in developing countries is the ownership of an automobile. Auto penetration rate is very low in emerging countries of China and India relative to the developed world as shown in the chart below: Click to enlarge Source: CPD: All aboard the new Silk Road, Adviser Voice …

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On The Importance of China in Emerging Markets

China has the second largest economy in the world with a GDP of over $11.4 Trillion. The country is also one of the largest trading partners in the world. The US is China’s largest trading partner and China exports more goods to the US than it imports. Below are some fascinating facts about China from …

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