Chinese Crude Oil Imports by Country

China is the world’s second-largest consumer of oil after the U.S. Much of the oil consumed by China is imported making it the second largest importer of oil also. According to the U.S. EIA, China consumed about 10.7 million barrels per day in 2013. China’s oil production and consumption Click to enlarge China’s largest oil …

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Countries From Which China Imports Energy Resources

As a emerging market superpower China is the largest consumer of many natural resource. China does not have huge crude oil resources and is a net importer of the black stuff. The following chart shows the list of countries which supply crude oil and natural gas to China: Click to enlarge   Source: Fueling a …

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Vanguard: A Comparison Of Chinese And US Housing Markets

The U.S. housing market is highly different than housing markets in other countries.For example, unlike in most countries mortgages in most of the U.S. are are non-recourse loans which means borrowers can default on their loans and simply walk away free while the lender takes the loss. I wrote a post back in 2012 comparing …

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A Brief Overview of the Healthcare System in China

China has the world’s largest population. As a developing country undergoing dramatic changes in the past few decades healthcare is one sector that is vastly under developed and offer plenty of potential for growth. Healthcare is especially interesting since millions of rural people move into large urban cities and their lifestyles change. So in this …

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