The 2023 US Morningstar Andex Chart

The Morningstar Andex chart for the US equity market is one powerful one-page that packs a ton of information for investors. The chart shows the growth of $1 from 1926 to 2022 in various asset classes. It also other useful information such as economic expansions and contractions, S&P P/E, inflation and interest rates, geo-political events, …

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Emerging Country Equity Returns 2003 Thru 2022: Chart

The top five best and worst performing and emerging equity markets from 2003 to 2022 are shown in the chart below. In 2022, Turkey was the best performer as the country recovered from economic and currency crisis. Chile came in at second followed by Brazil. From 2003, we can observer at least one country from …

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Annual Returns of Developed Markets 2002 to 2021: Chart

One of the strategies for success with investing in stocks is diversification. It is probably the easiest way to reduce risk while allowing room to capture any profit potential. The most popular chart that visually demonstrates the importance of diversification is The Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns. Similar to the performance variance of sectors …

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