Dividend Tax Rates in Europe 2023: Chart

The tax rates on dividends paid out to shareholders by companies are generally higher in Europe than in the US. However European firms tend to have higher dividend yields than their American peers due to the dividend culture. With that said, the following chart from Tax Foundation shows the dividend tax rates in European OECD …

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Comparing the Returns of MSCI Europe Price Index and Total Return Index: Chart

Dividends account for a substantial portion of the long-term total returns. This is especially true in countries or regions where the dividend culture exists. For instance, the S&P 500 dividend yield is currently just 1.55%. Most European countries on the other hand have dividend yields of 3% or more. The FTSE 100 for example has …

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The Best Performing S&P 500 Stocks Over The Past 5,10,15 and 20 Years: Chart

The top performing stocks in the S&P 500 change over time. It is impossible to identify the winners among these 500 constituents of the index. This is one of the solid reasons to own a S&P 500 index fund instead of trying to pick the winners. The following table shows the best performing stocks (i.e. …

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The Periodic Table for Developed Markets Equity Returns from 2002 to 2021: Chart

One of the key strategies for success with equity investing is diversification. I have written many times before that diversification can be done in many ways. For instance, one can diversify across sectors, regions, countries, asset classes, etc. When investing in overseas markets it is critical that an investor spread their assets across countries since …

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