Europe’s Climate is Changing: Infographic
Interesting infographic on how climate change is affecting Europe. Click to enlarge Source: EEA
Interesting infographic on how climate change is affecting Europe. Click to enlarge Source: EEA
Small cap banks in the US provide a vital function to the economy. They offer loans to about 44% of farms, 50% of small businesses and 15% of all residential mortgages. When the Dodd-Frank Act was signed into law in 2010 in response to the Global Financial Crisis(GFC) small banks were hurt more than their …
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The current bull market started from the trough of the Global Financial Crisis(GFC) in early 2009. Despite being called a bull market it does not feel like a typical bull market. In fact, experts have dubbed this bull as the “most hated bull market in history”. The chart below compares the returns of the current …
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The Credit Suisse Global Investment Returns Yearbook 2018 has been published recently. The summary edition of this annual study contains a few fascinating charts. The following chart shows the Relative Sizes of Global Equity Markets end-1899 vs. end-2017: Click to enlarge Source:The Credit Suisse Global Investment Returns Yearbook 2018 , CS Download: The Credit Suisse Global Investment …
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