Monthly Real S&P 500 Price from 1881 thru March 2017: Chart

The S&P 500 closed at 2,402.32 on price basis today. Year-to-date the index is up a decent 7.30%. In the past 10 years it has grown by 4.81%. Over the long run the index has beat inflation. The Monthly Real Return of S&P 500 from 1881 thru March, 2017 is shown below: Click to enlarge   …

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Valuation Ratio: US vs. International Developed and Emerging Market Stocks

U.S. stocks have outperformed international stocks in the past few years. Foreign stocks look attractive at current levels while their American peers look expensive. According to an article by Jurrien Timmer at Fidelity, since the Global Financial Crisis peak in March 2007 thru April 2017 the S&P 500 has returned 282% in total returns compared to …

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