Why Invest in International Small and Mid Cap Companies: Infographic

The small and mid cap universe of stocks is huge in the domestic market. For US investors, the international universe is much large with thousands of firms waiting to be discovered. To boost returns and potentially find multi-baggers investors can search for these firms in overseas markets. Some of the reasons for picking companies in …

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US Asset Class Returns by Year 1998 to 2017: Chart

Diversification is one of the most important strategies to follow when investing in equity markets. Putting all eggs in one basket is never a good idea. Many investors who piled into tech stocks during the dot-com era lost everything due to lack of diversification. Diversification can take many forms including spreading one’s asset among various …

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Why Own Foreign Stocks: Infographic

Investing in foreign stocks has many advantages. Despite living in a globalized world, many Americans have low exposure to foreign stocks. Going overseas can not only help diversify one’s portfolio but also offers the potential to boost returns. The following small infographic lists a few reasons to invest in foreign stocks: Click to enlarge Source:In …

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