Race and Ethnicity Prevalence by State 2020: Chart

I came the below chart from the latest Census data showing the largest, second largest and third largest race or ethnic group in each state of the country. In a handful of states minorities are the majority in terms of population size. For example, in California the largest ethnic group is not White, but rather …

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Four Charts on the Importance of Dividend Investing

Dividends are an important part of total returns on an equity investments. Though dividend yields and dividend growth rate may seem small in many cases, the power of compounding over the long-term tend to boost total returns significantly. In this post, let’s take a look at four charts that demonstrate the importance of dividends. 1.Total …

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Time to Recover to Pre-Pandemic GDP Per Capita For Select Countries: Chart

Economic recovery is underway in most countries of the world. China’s economy was the least adversely impacted last year due to the swift control of the pandemic. However most the developed countries are now in a better position to grow their economies with the invention of the vaccine last year. After initial dithering and chaos …

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The Make-Up of the US Equity Market Over the Past 200 Years

The US equity market has changed dramatically over the past 200 years. In the early days of the founding of the equity market, financials particularly the banks were the only listed companies. Then in the early 19th century transportation stocks especially railroads were the dominant sector in the market. This was followed by energy and …

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