S&P/TSX Composite Index Calendar Year Returns From 1924 To 2020: Chart

Stocks tend to go up in the long term. Though in the short-term stocks can be volatile or earn negative returns, when considered over many years or even decades stocks usually generate a positive return. This is true in the case of Canadian market also. The following chart shows the calendar year returns of the …

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Canada’s Railway Profile: Infographic

Canada is the second largest country in the world in terms of land after Russia. It is interesting to note that Canada is also slightly larger than the US. Canada’s economy is about one-tenth the size of the US economy. However one major difference between the economies is unlike the US economy, Canada is a …

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Comparing the Equity Markets of U.S. and Canada

The sectors composition of the US and Canadian equity markets differ widely. The Canadian market as represented by the TSX index is heavy in energy, financials and materials. Together these sectors make up over two-thirds of the index. On the other hand, the S&P 500 is highly concentrated in the information technology sector. Overall the …

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