The Commodity-Driven Canadian Economy Is Now In Recession

Canada is primarily a resource-based economy with oil and minerals accounting for a major source of export revenue. As the price of oil plunged in the past year or so, commodity-based economies such as Brazil, Russia, Australia, Canada, etc. are suffering. After being resilient for a few months, the Canadian economy has now officially entered recession. From a …

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What is the Impact of Lower Crude Oil Prices on Canada

The Canadian economy will underperform the US economy over the next few years due to the impacts of lower crude oil prices according to a special report by Thomas Julien of Natixis. Here is the summary of the report: The fall in oil prices is likely to result in mixed effects for Canada. On the one …

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Performance Review: Canadian Pacific vs. Canadian National

Canadian Pacific Railway (CP), one of the two major railroads in Canada, has outperformed Canadian National (CNI) in the past few years. The former CEO of CN, Hunter Harrison became the CEO of CP in mid 2012. In the past two years CP has soared by over 161% in terms of price appreciation alone while CNI is …

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Which Is Better For Dividends – Australian or Canadian Banks ?

The banking industry in Canada and Australia are similar in many ways. For example, a handful of banks dominate the market in both the countries and hence competition is minimal.  However in terms of returning profits to shareholders, Aussie banks fare better than Canadian banks according to a report by Moody’s and quoted in a Financial …

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