One Year Performance of Large Canadian Bank Stocks

With two months to go in this year, which of the five top Canadian bank stocks are leading?. Based on 2008 earnings, Royal Bank of Canada(RY) was one of the two Canadian banks in the 25 most profitable banks of the world. Royal Bank is the most profitable bank over the long-term as well. Royal …

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Government Bailout of Banks as a Percentage of GDP

Western governments bailed out their large troubled banks in the credit crisis in order to protect the financial system. The following chart shows the government bailout funds for recapitalization of banks as a percentage of GDP in 2008: Source: The Wall Street Journal The US government spent the most amount of money to save the …

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Tier 1 Capital Ratios and NPAs of Unofficial Problem Banks in the U.S.

We reviewed the Tier 1 Capital Ratios of large U.S. banks back in June. In this post, lets take a look at the Tier 1 Capital Ratios and Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) of some of the banks from the Unofficial Problem Banks list created by Calculated Risk. CR compiled this list from various press releases from …

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