S&P500 Largest Intra-Year Declines and Year-end Total Returns 1992 to 2021: Chart

We looked at the case for staying invested in foreign stocks in an earlier post. In this post, let’s review a chart showing the importance of staying invested in US stocks as represented by the S&P 500. From 1992, though the index has had many years of big intra-year declines, the S&P 500 had positive …

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The Case For Staying Invested: International Stocks Example

I have written many times in the past on the importance for staying invested for the long haul. Having patience and staying focused on the long-term goals is especially difficult during adverse market conditions such as the bear market we are currently in. Simply quitting the market by selling everything and staying on the sidelines …

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S&P 500 Sector Returns Chart – First Half 2022

Novel Investor has updated the sector returns chart for the S&P 500 for the first half of year 2022. This chart shows the annual returns of the various sectors of the S&P 500 together with the current year data. With bear market raging across the equity market, the best performing sector this year has been …

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